Our Customers

Explore the feedback and testimonials from clients who have partnered with us. Their stories highlight the success and satisfaction they’ve achieved with our solutions.

Top Customers


What They Said

We’re building technology, not for today, but for the future. We wanted to be ahead of the market , together with Juniper and Datacipher we’re able to deliver that path into the future.

Manoj TK
Vice President, Value Labs

Datacipher completed the project as per timeline with very professional way with excellent skills. It’s a complete end-to-end project ,Datacipher did it quite professionally.

Pankaj Nagpal
IT Manager, Fusionnet

Our entire effort to migrate to Juniper Networks from our existing network was aimed Data security , We’re very happy about the migration support received from Datacipher.

Nirmal Kumar
Technical Head, CtrlS

We have a partner and a technology supplier who can react quickly , and access what we need in an innovative way, not just settling for the de facto solution .Datacipher introduced us to Juniper’s security solutions then to its network systems. They are responsible for the complete solution not just a single switch but the interdependencies between systems, and making sure everything works together.

Deepak Singal
IT Manager , RI Networks

We have purchased high-end network switeches from Datacipher. Their team's guidance and support,from product selection to implementation, and prompt delivery was excellent. Kudos to their technical and sales team for their valuable help.

Sachin Chavan
Chinmaya Mission

We really appreciate the support provided by Datacipher Project Management team members Mr. Mukund and Mr. Rahul to help configure(Broad Network Gateway) BNG in our Office Premises at Mohali. We are satisfied with their services and also recommend it to others.

Neeraj Mahajan
Quadrant Televentures